Single-Player Mode
The biggest problem that faces salespeople & the profession at large is a self-inflicted inability to ask for help when needed. This is the truth top to bottom, SVP to SDR. Sometimes it’s ego, sometimes it’s fear, & sometimes it’s lack of awareness, but it’s the invisible barrier that holds everyone back.
Rising tides lift all ships, and for any group to be successful, they must transition from single-player mode to a low-threshold multiplayer mode. In other words, looping in others to help with your problems is generally the only thing separating you from solving them. And, for this to be truly low-threshold, we must be comfortable being both supply & demand for information on our teams and be willing to step in to help when needed.
Every salesperson is a node on an information network, with a unique set of experiences from a unique set of customers. Unlocking the power of that information isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s the easiest thing to do! Why solve a problem yourself when it’s already been solved? Not asking for help is like sitting next to a human calculator during a math test, but instead of using it, you choose to do large integer long division on your own. (maybe some of you like math, but this wouldn’t have worked for me)
Whether it’s deals, pipeline, career, work relationships, or office snack choices, the simplest, fastest, & most effective way to solve a problem is to take yourself out of single-player mode immediately. And in return, pay it forward by being the easiest person on the team to ask questions to. The worst case is you help someone out. The best case is you become a self-educating machine by learning through teaching.