The Salesperson by Bobby Charlton
We all have a process after a bad sales day. Part of mine has always been reading this passage by Bobby Charlton, shared here:
The Salesperson
“It has been said that salespeople are big problems to their bosses, their customers, their husbands/wives, to conservative credit managers, and sometimes to each other.
Individually and collectively, they are cussed and discussed at corporate meetings, conventions, behind closed doors, as well as in bathrooms, and from as many angles and with about as much fervor as the daily headlines.
They make more noises and mistakes, create more cheer, explain more discrepancies, hear more grievances, pacify more belligerents, and waste less time under pressure without losing their tempers than any other group we know.
They live in hotels, automobiles, and reception rooms, on trains, buses, and park benches. They eat all kinds of foods, drink all kinds of liquids, good, bad, and indifferent, sleep before, during, and after business, working on schedules as inconsistent as the weather, with little effect on their or the public health.
And yet salespeople are the power in society and economy, and in many ways, they are a tribute to themselves. They draw more money with less effort than any other group in the business. They call at the most opportune times under the slightest pretext, stay longer under more opposition, ask more leading questions, make more comments, and put up with more inconveniences than any other breed of business person on payrolls today.
They introduce more new goods to the world, dispose of more old goods, load more freight cars, unload more ships, and keep more product lines rolling than any other people in the world.
With all their peculiarities and despite their adversities, a salesperson keeps the wheels of commerce turning and the currents of human emotion running. More cannot be said of any person”
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Have a wonderful weekend!