The 25% Rule
The 25% rule for work:
During the 25% of the time when things are good, are they "so good" that they make up for the slog through the other 75%?
If the answer is yes, you are in a good spot. If the answer is no, it's unlikely you will be happy in this role, and it’s probably time for a change.
Needing to love what you do at all moments is a myth. I have seen the most passionate people have awful days and want to quit. Anything worth doing is hard, and when something is hard, it usually comes with many failures to find small wins. Look at professional baseball players. You are considered great if you hit the ball 30% of the time. I have to imagine they don’t love the other 70% when they are striking out or otherwise.
You need to love what you do in the aggregate, not in the moment. The feeling you get from your wins, albeit fewer and farther between than your failures, is how you get there.